Firmware: SUP 1.2.0Recording Formats: 4.6K 3:2 Open Gate 4608 x 3164, 4.6K 16:9, 4K 16:9, 3.3K3K. Sensor Mode: ARRIRAW Super 35 4.6K 3:2 Open Gate, 4.6K 16:9, ProRes Media: Codex 2TB Capture Drives allowing 4.6K at 75FPS, 4K at 120FPS
Full specs
Firmware: SUP 7.3Recording Codec: ARRIRAW, ProRes 444XQ, 444, 422 (HQ)Recording Resolution: LF Open Gate 4.5K, LF 2.39:1 4.5K, LF 16:9 UHD Recording Media: Codex Capture Drives 1TB
Firmware: SUP 6.1License Options : Arri Look Library, 4:3 (Anamorphic), ARRIRAWRecording Codec: ARRIRAW, ProRes 4444 XQ, 4444, 422 (HQ), 422Recording Media : CFast 2.0 Memory Cards, 512 & 256 Gb
Firmware: SUP 6.1Recording Formats: HD, 2K, 3.2K, 4K UHDRecording Codec:ProRes 4444 XQ, 4444, 422 HQ, 422, 422 LT, MPEG Recording media: CFast 2.0 memory cards, 128Gb / 256Gb
1000fps at 4K Resolution and up to 2000fps at 2K Resolution.128Gb internal RAM Memory. 2Tb Cine Mag IV Recording Media.PL, LPL, EF Mount
Resolution 6K Max 82 fps, 5K-96 fps, 4K-120 fps, 3K-160 fps, 2K-240 fpsRed Dragon Sensor: 19 MegapixelRed Mag 1.8" 256 Gb SSDBody Weight: 5 lbs / 2.2 kg
Denz Canon EOS 7D PL Camera | PL Mount for 35mm film lenses.
Available Focal Lengths : 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 29mm, 35mm, 40mm, 47mm, 58mm, 75mm, 95mm,125mm,150mm T1.8LPL Mount
ARRI Positive Impression V Filters Available
Available Focal Lengths 20.7mm, 23.7mm, 27mm, 37mm, 47mm, 57mm, 77mm, 107mm, 137mm T1.8 - T2Custom XT Tuned.PL Mount
Available Focal lengths : 21mm, 25mm, 29mm, 35mm, 50mm, 65mm, 85mm,100mm,135mm T1.5PL Mount
Available Focal Lengths:18mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm T2PL Mount
Available Focal Lengths:19mm, 24mm, 28mm, 35mm, 50mm, 80mm, 100mm T1.5 - T3.1 PL Mount
Available Focal Lengths: 14mm, 20mm, 24mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm, 135mmAperture T1.3 - T3.1Image Coverage Full Frame PL Mount
Available Focal lengths: 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 65mm Macro, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm T2.3Image Coverage: 33.54mm Diameter.PL Mount
Available Focal Lengths: 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mmT2.3 - T3.4PL Mount
Available Focal lengths:14mm, 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 27mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm T2PL Mount
Available Focal Lengths: 18mm, 25mm, 35mm, 50mm, 85mm T1.3Zeiss MK III Super-Speed Lenses TLSPL Mount
Available Focal lengths: 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 29mm, 35mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm T2PL Mount
Available Focal lengths: 10mm,12mm,14mm,16mm,20mm,24mm,28mm,32mm,40mm,50mm,65mm, 85mm,100mm,135mm, 180mm T1.9PL Mount
Available Focal Lengths : Zeiss 16mm, Zeiss 24mm, Zeiss 32mm, Arri-Macro 50mm, Arri-Macro 100mm, Arri-Macro 200mmPL Mount
Available Focal Lengths: 18mm, 21mm, 25mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 75mm, 100mm, 135mm T2.8PL Mount Optional: Uncoated Elements
Available Focal Lengths: 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 16mm, 20mm, 24mm, 28mm, 32mm, 40mm, 50mm, 85mm,135mm, 180mm T2.1PL Mount
Full Frame / Vista Vision coverageClose to zero distortion (Zero-D)PL mount
Focal Length 24mm, Aperture T14Macro Straight and Periscopic Lens ModulesImage Coverage: S35 to Full Frame w. 2:1PL Mount
Focal Length 24mm, Aperture T14Image Coverage: S35 to Full Frame w. 2:1Semi-Submergable LED USB powered ring light built into lense modules to assist T14 AperturePL Mount
A native image is always closer to reality than a digital image. The DENZ OIC FF is the first choice on set or location, where an optical viewfinder for full frame is concerned. The OIC FF is switchable from spherical to anamorphic with de-squeeze factors of 1.8 and 2.0 available.
The Wireless Compact Unit WCU-4 combines three axes of lens control with a lens data display in a compact and ergonomic housing.
The Single Axis Unit SXU-1 is a simple single channel hand unit that can be set up to control focus, iris or zoom on any camera and lens.
Compact Motor ControllerMultiple Mounting points: 3/8", M4RX/TX Switch: Operates as receiver or transmitterARRI UDM-1, Cine RT, Cine Tape Measure support
- Small, soild, lightweight.- Control of focus, iris, or zoom.- Override the Hi-5 and WCU-4 hand Unit.
Handheld OCU-1 Remote Lens Motor Control- Small, soild, lightweight.- Control of focus, iris, or zoom.- Override the Hi-5 and WCU-4 hand Unit.
Single Channel Wireless Lens Control for any camera and lens
Add : Arri SXU-1 Hand Unit and C-force Mini Lens Motors for complete kit.
The Cinefade VariND is the only professional motorised variable ND filter that can be remotely controlled using a cPRO lens control system and enables cinematographers to maintain a constant exposure and T-stop in changing lighting conditions.
Cmotion cPro Plus Hand Unit. Advanced three axis wireless control interface finished in stealth black, paired with Cmotion cPro RF Motor.
Schulz Spray-off Micro - 4 x 5.65Schulz Spray-off Milli - 4 x 5.65Schulz Spray-off Mini - 6.6 x 6.6
The Zoom Main Unit ZMU-3A is a hand grip zoom controller that can be mounted on tripod pan arms while being connected to camera and motor. The Optional Wireless Zoom Extension WZE-3 allows wireless operation of the ZMU-3A and can be used in parallel with WCU-4.
Preston Digital Microforce Zoom Lens Control with Oppenheimer Pan handle
The Pan Bar Zoom is a small, lightweight and versatile motor controller. This smart control unit offers a universal clamp allowing the zoom unit to be mounted on any 15mm - 32mm rods, ideal for pan bars and gimbals
1.3VV-E Expander S35xVV Expander S35xFF Expander LPLx2 VV Extender PLx2 VV Extender PLx2 Extender PL 1.4x MK2 Extender
Lightweight - Arri LMB-5, Arri LMB-15, Arri LMB-25, Arri LMB-4x5 Pro SetStudio - Arri SMB-2, Arri MB-29 Mini - Arri MMB-1
Arri Studio - 6.6 x 6.6 MB-14 - 19mm RodsArri Lightweight - 6.6 x 6.6 LMB-4 - Clamp On
Payload Capacity: 87lb (39.5kg) | Tilt Range: 90 degrees | Pan Range: 360Height: 8.4in (21.3cm), Width: 12.4in (31.5cm), Depth: 8.6in (21.8cm)Weight: 22.9lb (10.4kg) | Mitchell base. | 150mm ball base.
Load Capacity: 200 lbs (90.72kg) | Tilt Range: +60 to -45 degreesTilt Drag: 8 Steps / 0 to 7, Pan Drag: 8 steps / 0 to 7Weight: 32.0 lbs (14.52kg) | 150mm ball base / 6" Half Ball.
Pan/Tilt Drag: 7 Levels | Tilt: +90 to -60 degreesCounterbalance Control: Yes. | Load Capacity: 110lbs (50 kg)Base Diameter: 150 mm half ball | Quick Release/Wedge Plate: Yes
Max payload 45lb, 20kg | Tilt range 90 degrees | Pan range 360Height: 8in (20.3cm), Width: 11.3in (28.7cm), Depth 7.5in (19.1cm)Weight: 16.2lb (4.8kg) with Euro plate 100mm ball base | 150mm ball base
Payload Capacity: 30lbs (13.9kg) | Tilt Range: 90 degrees | Pan Range: 360Height: 6.6 in (16.8 cm), Width: 7.6 in (19.3 cm), Depth: 4.6 in (11.7cm)Weight: 8.7 lbs. (3.9 kg) | 100 mm ball base. | 150mm ball base.
Easyrig Stabil G2 / Vario 5 StrongGimbarlrig Vest/Queen Vest Load Range: 10-25kg, 22.55lbsWeight: 5.5kg, 12lbs
Easyrig Vario 5 StrongGimbarlrig Vest/Queen Vest Load Range: 10-25kg, 22.55lbsWeight: 5.5kg, 12lbs
Easy Camera Setup, Universal Lens Control, Cinema Styled Focus, Iris, and zoom knobs, Optically Coated Glass Dome Port, Port Locking System Accessories for Remote Camera Control, Battery Configurations, Weight & Trim Bracket, On Camera Monitoring, Vacuum Check & Leak Detection
Dimensions: Movi Pro 345 x 345 x 432mm. Camera Cage 196 x 200 x 175mmWeight: 2.65 kg|Max Payload: 6.80 kg|Mounting System: Freefly Toad In Hole
ARRI Impression V Filters for Signature Prime Lenses
14,4V 1176Wh Multivoltage Li-Ion Battery - 5V (USB) 12V (unreg), 24V and 48V Outputs - Built-in Charger - Maximum Load: 480W - for Cameras and Lighting - 48V for ARRI SkyPanel S30 and S60 - Weight: 8,95 Kg
Bebob V-Mount Li-Ion High Load battery 14.8V / 294WhBebob V-Mount Li-Ion High Load battery 14.8V / 89WhSwit High-load V-Mount Battery Pack - Li-ion CellsAvailable Capacity: 14.4v 220Wh, 14.4v 190Wh, 14.4v 160Wh, 14.4v 95Wh
The Camera Control Panel CCP-1 is a small control panel that connects to the viewfinder port of ALEXA Mini or AMIRA
Shape Handles - Simply The Best Handles On The Market.Spider Grips - Dual Handle Set - Camera Accessory SolutionArri S4 Handle Set - Adjustable left and right hand grips.
Element Technica Mantis Rig - Configurable and Innovative Shoulder Mount. Wooden Camera Shoulder Rig - Adjustable Support for Shoulder-Mounted Shooting
100mm Bowl Max Payload: 66lb (30kg) | Weight: Tripod only 7lbs (3.2kg)Height: Legs spread 159cm (62.5in)Extensions: X2Material: Carbon Fibre
Kish Ultimate Directors Viewfinder, PL MountArri Directors Viewfinder, PL MountArtemis Prime Directors Viewfinder PL Mount or LPL
ARRI V-Mount power splitter box MKIIARRI Cine VMM - ALM2 Bebob ML - 120Alex Mini
Studio and Lightweight Systems for use with any camera.Arri FF-5 Cine - Arri FF-4 - Arri FF-3 - Arri MMF-1
ARRI Full-Spectrum Neutral Density (FSND) Filters4x5.65 .3 .6 .9 1.2 1.5 1.8 2.1 2.4
6.6 x 6.6 TRUE ND .3, .6, .9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.14 x 5.65 TRUE ND .3, .6, .9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1
4x5.65 Hollywood Black Magic 1/8, 1/4 4x5.65 Platinum IRND .3, .6, .9, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8, 2.14x5.65 Classic Soft 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1, 2 4x5.65 True-Streak, Colours : Blue, Green, Violet, Pink, Clear
Neutral Density, IRND, ND Grads, Black Pearlescent, Glimmerglass, Black Diffusion/Fx Promist, Low Contrast, Antique Suede
Lentequip RotaPola 6.6x6.6 Filter and FrameLentequip RotaPola 4x5.65 Filter and Frame
The Choice For Image Makers World Wide
Letiz Cine Macrolux Diopter +195mm front diameter
ARRI Signature 65-300mm T2.8 Zoom + 1.7x Extender Aperture: T2.8Close Focus: 1.337 / 52.52" Image Coverage: Full FrameWeight: 8.1kg / 17lbLength: 420mm / 16.54"Front Diameter: 156mmLPL MountWith 1.7x Extender Zoom becomes 110.5 - 510mm T4.95
ARRI Signature 24-75mm T2.8 Aperture: T2.8 Close Focus: 0.412m / 16.22" Image Coverage: Full Frame Weight: 3.7kg / 8lb Length: 244mm / 9.61" Front Diameter: 114mm LPL Mount
ARRI Signature 16-32mm T2.8 Aperture: T2.8 Close Focus: 0.194m / 7.64" Image Coverage: Full Frame Weight: 3.2kg / 7lb Length: 212mm / 8.35" Front Diameter: 156mmLPL Mount
Leica R 70-180mm T2.9 APOAperture: T2.9Close Focus: 4ft Image Coverage: Full FrameWeight: 4.2kgLength: 250mm Front Diameter: 114mmPL Mount
Aperture: T2.9, Close Focus 2.9ft - 0.83mImage Coverage: Full FrameWeight: 5.5lbs, 2.5kg, Length: 195mmFront Diameter: 95mmPL Mount
Aperture: T2.6, Close Focus: 2ft - 0.6mImage Coverage: S35+ : 31.4mmWeight: 4.2lbs - 1.92kg, Length: 186mmFront Diameter: 114mmPL Mount
Aperture: T2.2, Close Focus: 2ft - 0.6mImage Coverage: S35 : 28mm DiagonalWeight: 12.1lbs - 5.48kg, Length: 326mmFront Diameter: 136mmPL Mount
Aperture: T2.8, Close Focus: 4ft - 1.22mImage Coverage: 35mm Academy = 30mm diagonalWeight: 24.2lbs - 11kg, Length: 440mmFront Diameter: 162mmPL Mount
Aperture: T3.5, Close Focus: 4ftImage Coverage: S35+ :31.4mm (diagonal)Weight: 7.25Kg -16lb. Length: 377.4mmFront Diameter: 136mmPL Mount
Aperture: T4.5-22, Close Focus: 4'1" Image Coverage: 22 x 18.6mmWeight: 7.5Kg -16.5lb, Length: 414mmFront Diameter: 136mmPL Mount
Aperture: T3.5, Close Focus: 5'7" - 1.74mImage Coverage: 35mm (30mm diagonal)Weight: 10.5 lbs. - 4.76 kg, Length: 309mmFront Diameter: 136mmPL Mount
Aperture: T3.7 to T22Close Focus: 5'6"Front Diameter: 150mmWeight: 6.4kgPL Mount
Aperture T2.9, Close Focus: 1ft - 0.3mImage Coverage: S35 11-20mm, Full Frame 16-20mmWeight: 1.1kg / 2.43lbFront Diameter 95mm PL Mount
Super 35 coverageAperture: T2.8Close Focus: 1ft / 0.3mPL MountFront Diameter 95mm
6inch Round138mm Round4.5inch RoundSeries 9 RoundLindsey Optics Diopter Set
SmallHD Ultra 7 Onboard Monitor - Resolution: 1920x1200, Brightness: 2300nits, Diagonal Size: 7.02", Input: 6G-SDI, 3G-SDI, HD-SDI, SD-SDI, HDMI, Audio, Ethernet
Full HD 13-inch LCD Monitor with 1500 NITs BrightnessThe image clarity required to pull focus outdoors.
Narrow Field Of View and Magnified Image.Aperture: T2 - T22Close Focus: 3.05m / 10ftWeight: 3.6kgPL Mount
SmallHD 703 Ultra Bright On-Camera - Resolution: 1080p, Size: 7.02 DiagonalBrightness: 2200 nits, Input Signal: 3G-SDI, HD-SDI, SD-SDI, HDMI, Audio
SmallHD DP7 Pro High Bright MonitorResolution: 1280x800, Display:7"(17.8 cm) dia. IPS LCD, Brightness:1500 nitsSmallHD DP7 PRO OLED MonitorResolution: 1280x800, Display:7.7"(19.5 cm) dia. OLED, Brightness:250 nits
Aperture: T3 to T32Close Focus: 3.5m / 11.5ftWeight: 2.75kgPL Mount
1.4X and 2X extenders are now compatible with the Optimo Zoom Lens Line.
TV-Logic VFM-058W Onboard MonitorResolution: 1920 x 1080, Display: 5.5" dia LCD
StarliteHD5-ARRI remotes the ALEXA Mini and the AMIRA through a specific menu activated when the monitor is connected to the EXT connector of the camera.
Mitchell Flat Plate OR 150mm BowlHeight: legs spread at 1'6" (45,7cm): closed 3ft (91.4cm), Fully extended 5'6" (167.6cm)Weight: 22lb (10Kg)
Designed for photographing distant subjects like sports or wildlife. Aperture: T2.8 - T22Close Focus: 3.05 / 10ftWeight: 4.1kg / 9lbs.PL Mount
Mitchell Top Plate OR 150mm BowlHeight: 1'8" (50.8cm) to 3' (91.4cm)Weight: 18lb (8kg)
Mitchell Flat Plate OR 150mm Bowl
The most durable, fully featured production monitors,1303 HDR - Focus/Directors Monitor - Small HD 13 Inch1703 HDR - Director/Agency Monitor - Small HD 17 inch2403 HDR - Agency/Client Monitor - Small HD 24 inch
Sony LMD-2341W - 23inch 1920 x 1080 LCD Panel
The adjustable mobile monitor trolley is great for any location, comes with a monitor bracket, shelf and storage bucket for easy configuration.
The Odyssey7Q+ is the most advanced, most capable, most versatile monitor/recorder in the world. The Odyssey7Q+ can record HD/2K/UHD/4K. It can record them via SDI and HDMI.
Apollo Multicamera Recorder/Switcher Monitor Recorder
Sound Devices PIX 240 5" Portable Video Recorder & Monitor
SmallHD 7inch Monitor, V-mount Battery Plate, Lightweight Handles
Panasonic BT-LH1760E - 17inch LCD Video Monitor.
Freefly Movi Pro via Alpha Link MIMIC9.5lb w/ aluminium wheels and base
Teradek Bolt 6 LT Wireless Video System
Teradek Bolt 4K 750 LT Wireless Video System
Teradek Bolt Wireless Video System
Aperture: T2.95, Close Focus 2.8ft - 0.85mImage Coverage: S35Weight: 6.4lb - 2.9kgFront Diameter: 114mmEF Mount